Saturday, August 8, 2015

Arabs-Muslims declare ‘Death to the Jews’ in their Facebook profiles - YJ Draiman


Arabs-Muslims declare ‘Death to the Jews’ in their Facebook profiles

This is not anti-Zionism. This is extreme racist anti-Semitism. If you replace “Death to the Jews” with “Death to the Buddhists”, or “Death to the Catholics”, or “Death to the Pagan worshipers” or “Death to the Kenyans or the Japanese”, what would these words mean other than menacing hate based in evil? This is a macabre, pure Nazi statement that these people gladly promote with the moronic mob mentality that they embrace. This brings only promises of chaos and fear and not respect, or a possible evolution toward a solution of coexistence.

If the world destroys the Jews, which will never happen with the help of the almighty, the impact of losing the Jewish contributions to the world will be significant and catastrophic. The advances made in medicine, science, technology, law, philosophy and every corner of higher learning and progressive humanity as a direct result of Jewish contributions are etched in history and cannot be denied. Worldwide advances and progress will always be a reminder of what the Jews did and accomplished, unlike any other group in history. Non-Jews always have and continue to wonder how we did all that advancement.

We the Jews being such a minute percentage of world population have been successful, and will continue so because we do not allow words, feelings or attitudes of hate in our children. Our children, and the generations to follow always come first. We raise our children with love of our traditions and cultures, and respect toward others who may differ. Our women mold the souls of our children and educate them in love and compassion, not hatred.

Another factor of our success is we promote education as essential in the upbringing of our children. In addition, we lift ourselves up by hard work, dedication and innovation, not by taking others down.

The Jewish people have survived and prospered even after thousands of years of unwarranted hate and persecutions throughout history. The world at large over the centuries has forced the Jewish people time and time again to liberate themselves from constant discrimination, hate and persecution in the Diaspora. We rose and responded by bringing about the rebirth of modern Israel in its ancestral land in order to survive, strive, thrive and control our own future and destiny.

Remember, when the Jews and minorities were persecuted, killed and violated in the Arab and Islamic lands, (over a million Jewish families and their children expelled and all their assets confiscated), those countries never recovered from the loss.

Differences in human composition and dedication are what make the Jewish people stronger. George Washington stated during his comments to the American people about appreciating how Haym Solomon, a Jew, helped in financing the American revolution, that the cultural differences are what make a nation stronger. Israel is the thriving America of Jews worldwide.

After over 2500 years of persecution in the Diaspora, Israel through hard work, determination to succeed, and dedication to survive with control of its own destiny was reborn by the Jewish people against all odds. It took extreme faith, dedication, hardship and consistent toil to rebuild Israel one grain of sand at a time, inch by inch, foot by foot, and mile by mile. The Jews of Israel never quit until all the swamps were gone and the land flourished; until the infrastructure and housing was built. Most importantly, all of these accomplishments by the Jewish people were achieved with limited resources, a hostile environment and Arab and British impediment to our freedom and independence. Nevertheless, we have succeeded in making the desert bloom and flowing with green valleys; we have turned the desert into a land of milk and honey.

Furthermore, Jewish innovations and advances in all fields keep coming on a consistent basis. We built educational institutions and research facilities that are the envy of the world. Furthermore, overcoming the harsh treatment by the nations of the world, and to ensure we, or any other people are never again led as sheep to the slaughter of the Nazi gas chamber, Israel has morphed into a world military might to rightfully defend its people. Contrary to the efforts of many nations of the world, the State of Israel is alive and thriving! (“the nation of Israel lives”)

History has proven hate begets hate, and nations built upon a premise of hate have all failed. If all the Jews were gone (not likely), the anti-Semitic promoters and facilitators would need to feed their hate, and would turn on each other. History has proven as such to always be the end result of hate.

I challenge you. Try love and understanding, compassion and kindness, embrace and respect the differences, it will make living a celebration of life, it’s all very beautiful and content, furthermore, you will find the real true success and accomplishment. It will be hard to change the narrative, but go ahead, accept the challenge to heal instead of hate, to tolerate instead of intolerance, to endure instead of abhor. If you follow these ideals, narratives and behavior, you may finally see some success like many of the JEWS and forego your jealousy and intolerance! This will bring about a harmonious and thriving coexistence that will benefit society and humanity for generations to come.
YJ Draiman

  • There are severe and extreme consequences to the terrorist who plan to attack and or attacks to the terrorist his family and associates.
    Anyone who is assisting or withholding information about the terrorist proposed actions or action should be considered as an accomplice‎.
    Let them know that terror will not be tolerated.
      • Avatar
        Israel - It is your duty and obligation, you
        must defend your family and citizens against Hamas rockets without constraints
        or limitations, no-holds-barred,
        anything less is a dereliction of duty. This applies also to any acts of terror
        and violence by anyone. No response is strong enough. Anybody who thinks
        otherwise is committing desertion of family and friends to the atrocities of
        evil and terror.
        It is up to Israel
        to defend its people. In the past, history has shown the world stood idle while
        Jewish people, men, women and children were slaughtered.
        YJ Draiman
          • Avatar
            Israel - In order to consider a new negotiations with the Arab-Palestinians
            First thing, let us see the Arab Palestinians stop teaching their children and the masses to commit terror and violence. Stop rewarding terrorists, stop funding terrorists families, stop naming streets after terrorists. Declare and practice that terror and violence is unacceptable. We need to see a change in attitude towards terror and a true and honest pursuit of peace and coexistence.
            You can accomplish more with honey than with vinegar.
            If that is not possible than there will never be peace.
            A true peace will be a blessing and an economic prosperity to all concerned.
            YJ Draiman
              • Avatar
                To truly understand the status of this territory in Greater Israel we
                have to first differentiate between the personal and the national.
                Of course there is land privately owned by Arab-Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, what many call the “West Bank” in seeming deference to the Jordanian
                occupation, which invented the term as juxtaposition to its eastern bank. These
                areas, like privately owned territory anywhere in the world, cannot be touched
                unless there is very pressing reason for a government or sovereign power to do
                so. These areas, according to Ottoman and British records, constitute no more
                than a few percent of the total area, meaning the vast majority is not privately owned.
                However, to contend that these territories are “Arab-Palestinian” on a national level is
                problematic. To claim an area belongs to a particular nation requires the
                territory to have belonged to that people, where they held some sort of sovereignty that was broadly recognized.
                All of these criteria have been met historically by the Jewish people, and none by the Arab-Palestinians.
                In fact, the Jewish people were provided with national rights in these territories not just
                by dint of history and past sovereignty, but also by residual legal rights
                contained in the San Remo Treaty of 1920 confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres
                and Lausanne adopted by the League of Nations as the Mandate for Palestine,
                which were never canceled and are preserved by the UN Charter, under Article 80
                – the famous “Palestine Clause,” that was drafted, in part, to guarantee
                continuity with respect to Jewish rights from the League of Nations.
                For the past over 2,400 years, since the destruction of Jewish sovereignty and expulsion of most
                of its indigenous people, it remained an occupied and colonized outpost in the
                territory of many global and regional empires.
                The Ottomans were the most recent to officially apportion the territory, in what they referred to
                as Ottoman Syria, which today incorporates modern-day Israel, Syria, Jordan and
                stretching into Iraq. Before The Ottoman Land Code of 1858, land had largely
                been owned or passed on by word of mouth, custom or tradition. Under the
                Ottomans of the 19th century, land was apportioned into three main categories:
                Mulk, Miri and Mawat.
                Mulk was the only territory that was privately owned in the common sense of the term, and as
                stated before, was only a minimal part of the whole territory, much of it owned
                by Jews, who were given the right to own land under reforms.
                Miri was land owned by the sovereign, and individuals could purchase a deed to cultivate this
                land and pay a tithe to the government. Ownership could be transferred only
                with the approval of the state. Miri rights could be transferred to heirs, and
                the land could be sub-let to tenants. In other words, a similar arrangement to
                a tenant in an apartment or house as having rights in the property, but not to the property.
                Finally, Mawat was state or unclaimed land, not owned by private individuals nor largely
                cultivated. These areas made up almost two-thirds of all territory.
                The area recently declared “State Land” by the Israeli government, a process
                which has been under an intensive ongoing investigation for many years, is
                Mawat land. In other words, it has no private status and is not privately owned.
                Many claims to the territory suddenly arose during the course of the investigation, but all were
                proven to be unfounded on the basis of land laws.
                Interestingly, it should be clearly understood by those who deem Judea and Samaria “occupied
                territory” that according to international law the occupying power must use the
                pre-existing land laws as a basis for claims, exactly as Israel has done in
                this case, even though Israel’s official position is that it does not see
                itself de jure as an occupying power in the legal sense of the term. It is only a liberator of its ancestral land.
                None of these facts are even alluded to in the many reports surrounding the government’s
                actions in settlement and housing. This is deeply unjust and a semblance of the
                relevant background, history and facts would provide the necessary context for
                what has been converted into an international incident where none should exist.
                Many nations and people are questioning Israel’s control of its own liberated territory.
                No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had persecuted and ejected about a
                million Jewish families and their children (who lived there for over 2,400
                years) from their countries, confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and
                Real estate property. Over 670,00 Jewish families and their children of these
                expelled Jewish families and their children were resettled in Greater Israel.
                The Land the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people 120,440 sq. km.
                or 75,000 sq. miles, which is over 5-6 times the size of Israel, and its value today is the trillions of dollars.
                YJ Draiman

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