A drug store in Jerusalem in the 1930s (Library of Congress)
The American Colony photographers took this picture about 80 years ago. The caption in the Library of Congress archives reads "A street corner in the Rehavia Quarter, Jerusalem."
Identifying the store and the street today is easy for veteran Jerusalemites. The pharmacy is still there; they haven't even changed the Hebrew and English "Pharmacy" signs over the windows. New stories were added to the building but it's not hard to locate the store on the corner of Keren Kayemet and Ibn Ezra Streets.The same drug store today (Google Streetview)
Are you a subscriber to www.israeldailypicture.com? Enter your email in the box in the right sidebar and "submit."- JUN2
Readers Provide Important Corrections to this Mystery Picture: It Actually Shows Arrival of King Feisal of Iraq in Jerusalem
Picture of King Feisal's arrival in December 1931, not the
arrival of the new British High Commissioner Wauchope
in November 1931 (Library of Congress)
But the photo is not of the arrival of the new British High Commissioner Sir Arther Wauchope in November 1931 to replace Mark Aitchison Young.This is the welcoming ceremony for the new High
Commissioner in 1931. Note the 9-plane flyover by the RAF,
the banners, and the antelope mascot of the Royal
Regiment of Fusiliers in front of the station
We thank Chen Melling, manager of the Israel Railway Museum, for helping to put us back on the "right track."Train schedule -- Jerusalem arrival at 0910 We surmised that the dignitaries were looking west into the setting sun. Actually, they were looking east at the rising sun, and the clock showing 9:30 confirms it. The British honor guard was standing on the square in front of the station, and a train can be seen behind it on the left, as pointed out by "Hillel," a faithful reader.
A 1926 train schedule provided by the Israel Railroad Museum confirms that the arrival ceremony would have taken place at 9:30 am, 20 minutes after the arrival of the train.
Jerusalem's dignitaries, led by the Grand Mufti, Haj Amin el Husseini, and the Mayor of Jerusalem, Raghib al-Nashashibi, were on hand to receive the King of Iraq.Enlargement of photo above shows Haj Amin el Husseini in the
white turban, Mayor Nashashibi in the center, and King FeisalNashashibi and Husseini. The two men
loathed each other (1936)King Feisal (left) and his brother Emir Abdullah
of Jordan visiting Jerusalem in 1933, months
before Feisal's death in Europe
Special thanks to Zvi Bessin, tour guide, for his cooperation in finding the solution to this mystery photograph.The "square" in front of the train station (circa 2010,
by Ronen Saraf, Google Streetview)
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Click on captions to view the originals photos.0Add a comment
- MAY29
Major Update/Correction Coming -- Mystery Picture of Jerusalem's Old Train Station Gets Nailed
Arrival ceremony at the train station. But when was the
picture taken? Between "1898 and 1946."
Several clues led us to conclude the soldiers were British Royal Fusiliers and that the picture was taken between 1920 and 1936.Acting commissioner Mark Aitchison Young Young (Wikipedia)
Now, veteran Israeli tour guide Zvi Bessin has nailed the picture: It was taken onNovember 20, 1931, when acting British High Commissioner Sir Mark Aitchison Young received the new commissioner, Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope.
The day was Friday, and the shadows suggest evening was approaching. The clock which appears to show 9:30 may, in fact, not be working. By our reckoning, the soldiers were facing east, the dignitaries facing west. The setting sun was shining on the dignitaries' faces. The lateness of the day and the approach of the Sabbath may explain why Jewish leadership was absent from the station ceremony.
Young served only 20 days until his successor arrived. Wauchope served as high commissioner until 1937.1View comments
- MAY28
Journal Article Abstract: The Zionist Message Hidden within Antique Pictures of the Holy Land By Lenny Ben-David
Abstract reprinted from the Jewish Political Studies Review, May 1, 2013
A 110-year-old trove of pictures taken by the Christian photographers of the American Colony in Jerusalem provides dramatic proof of thriving Jewish communities in Palestine.
Hundreds of pictures show the ancient Jewish community of Jerusalem’s Old City and the Jewish pioneers and builders of new towns and settlements in the Galilee and along the Mediterranean coastline. The American Colony photographers recorded Jewish holy sites, holiday scenes and customs, and they had a special reason for focusing their lenses on Yemenite Jews.
The collection, housed in the U.S. Library of Congress, also contains photographs from the 1860s, the first years of photography. These photographs provide a window rarely opened by historians—for several unfortunate reasons—to view the life of the Jews in the Holy Land. The photographs’ display and online publication effectively counters the biased narrative claiming that the Jewish state violently emerged ex novo in the mid-twentieth century.
Read the full article and view the photographs here.1View comments
Welcoming party at the Jerusalem train station (Library of Congress, date given as 1898-1946)
Just like it was when it first opened in 1892, more than 120 years ago, when the first train from Jaffa pulled into Jerusalem's new train station.
Open seven days a week, the new attraction presents a different fair every day. View the First Station's website here.
The Jerusalem train station has been a frequent feature of the Israel Daily Picture, with pictures of the arrival of the German emperor in 1898 and the transfer of a high-ranking British prisoner of war, Col. Coventry in 1916, captured in Sinai during World War I.British POW Col. Coventry driven from railroad station
by Turkish army (1916)The German emperor arrives (1898) Railroad station (circa 1910) Another view of station (1900)
The mystery picture above of a dignitary's arrival is dated by the Library of Congress as between 1898 and 1946, the years the American Colony photographers were active in Palestine. But numerous clues helps to pin down the dates.Enlarged poster Why is an antelope among the soldiers?
Posters on the station wall advertise the White Star Cruise Line that ceased operation in 1936 when it was taken over by the Cunard Line. We can date the picture between 1920 and 1936.
There's also one more curious feature seen when the photo is enlarged. Among the rifles and bayonets on the right of the photo appear two animal horns sticking up. The decorated horns belong to "Bobby," an antelope, the regimental mascot of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
According to the Fusiliers Association of Great Britain, "The mascot was looked after by two handlers chosen from the battalion, they would make sure that he was fed and watered and exercised. When on parade they kept him under control by means of two white ropes attached to his collar which was also white, and was emblazoned with a large silver badge. On his back he wore a coat of royal blue, embroidered with the regimental crest, and his horns were tipped with silver cones."1View comments
Embroidering and sewing in a shop for Yemenite Jewish-style clothes
(circa 1922, Cigarbox Collection, Keren HaYesod)
The emergency campaign, calledOperation Magic Carpetor Operation On Eagles' Wings, would be repeated decades later to rescue Ethiopian Jewry in the 1984 Operation Moses and the 1991 Operation Solomon when Israel flew thousands of Jews out of Ethiopia and Sudan then plagued by famine and civil war.
Neither the Yemenites nor the Ethiopians were motivated by modern political Zionism as founded by Theodore Herzl. They were fervent believers in the ancient Jewish messianic dream of returning to the Land of Israel. From Gondar in northern Ethiopia and the ancient mountain town of Sana'a in Yemen they were determined to reach Eretz Yisrael,sometimes traveling by foot."Arab Jew from Yemen" (original caption, Library
of Congress)Yemenite Jew probably from Haban (Library of Congress)
Such a group of Yemenite Jews arrived in Jerusalem in 1882, and their story and photographs appear here and here. Many were fed and sheltered by the members of the American Colony of Jerusalem.Yemenite embroidery on talit (Esther Zeitz)
In the 1950s and 60s, cottage industries were set up for Yemenite embroiderers, and their wares were sold by Ruth Dayan's Maskit fashion house, WIZO's women's organization, and a legendary Jerusalem shopkeeper named Esther Zeitz who employed young blind women to embroider.1View comments
Is this Kibbutz Tel Yosef? Photo from the "Cigarbox Collection" of Dr.Othniel Seidon
The composition of this photo is striking -- a new Jewish settlement at the foot of a mountain ridge and at the bottom of a gorge. On the back someone wrote "Tel Yosef 1921," apparently the year, the only date found on a photo in the Seidon collection. The kibbutz was named after Yosef Trumpeldor, a Jewish Zionist hero who died defending the Tel Hai settlement in 1920.
The photo is an enigma. Tel Yosef is located in the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel, not located at the base of mountain. Research into Tel Yosef's history uncovered that the kibbutz was located a few kilometers away in its first years, and was located where Kibbutz Ein Harod is located today. But it too was not at the foot of a mountain.Beit Alpha at the foot of the Gilboa Mountains. Note the
gorge (Google Earth)
Modern technology helped us locate the chalutzim's(pioneers) settlement 90 years ago.
A Google Earth search of the Jezreel-Gilboa area quickly found a possible location of the mystery picture -- the Kibbutz of Beit Alpha. The settlement at the foot of the mountain and the gorge appear identical.
We checked Beit Alpha's history and photo archives and confirmed that the Cigar Collection photo was Beit Alpha and not Tel Yosef. The picture below shows the same tents and buildings.From Beit Alpha's archives. Note the same tents and cabins as the photo on top 0Add a comment
- MAY16
Introducing the "Cigarbox Collection" -- Donated by Dr. Othniel Seiden of Denver -- An Heirloom from his Father, Dr. Rudolph Avraham Seiden
The pictures inside The cigarbox
By Lenny Ben-DavidThe antique wood cigarbox was beautifully crafted, bound like a book and entitled "Gourmet's Delight" and "Grown in California." Opening the box in Efrat, Israel, I discovered it was filled with a stack of pictures from Palestine 90-100 years ago. Almost simultaneously I received an email from a doctor in Denver which began, "I am delighted that the pictures have found a new home!"Grave of Maimonides (Rambam) in Tiberias (circa 1920). A version of this picture also appears in the Harvard
Library archives attributed to the Central Zionist Archives
When I discovered 22,000 newly digitalized antique pictures of Eretz Yisrael in the Library of Congress archives two years ago, I immediately recognized the pictures' hasbara value. The photos showed Jewish life in the land 150 years ago, well before Herzl and the establishment of the State of Israel.Metal worker making collection boxes for the
Jewish National Fund (Seidon collection)A modern day JNF box But many of the pictures were not captioned nor were the dates or locations always correct. I began a painstaking process of research and enlarging photos to identify places, people and the chronological sequences. My analyses became essayswhich now total more than 300 photo analyses in the Israel Daily Picture blogsite. The www.israeldailypicture.com site has attracted some 800,000 visitors, and the Library of Congress has used some of these analyses to correct its captions.Many of the photo essays appeared in The Jerusalem Post Magazine, and I’m in discussions with a publisher about a book.
Math lesson in Machane Yehuda (the shuk area of
Jerusalem). The drill: if a worker earns 17.5 Eretz
Yisrael pounds a day, how much would he receive
for six days?
The Library of Congress archives' largest collection came from the American Colony Photographic Department in Jerusalem. Other pictures on the sitewere taken by some of the first pioneers of photography in the 1850s and 1860s. I have also published essays based on the photos (only after securing permission) from the archives of Harvard, the New York Public Library, and a Scottish medical school archives that contained antique pictures of the Jews of Tiberias amidst anatomical photographs of limbs, operations, and disease.
The Cigarbox Collection
Arab village of Kalkilya. The small structure (right) is
apparently a well with a woman standing with a
jug on her head
My father, Dr. Rudolph Avraham Seiden, was born in 1900 and was first involved in Palestine through a Zionist organization in Vienna called Die Blau Weiss or the "Blue White." As a teen, sometime around 1919, he started smuggling Jews out of Eastern Europe into Palestine through Blau Weiss. At that time, a whole family could travel to Palestine on a family visa. The organization established a front travel agency and hired a Greek ship in order to put together strangers as families andMatzah factory in Haifa. Sign on the wall on the right reads
"No spitting, No smoking." Sign on the left reads "For the
mitzvah of matzah" so that workers devote themselves to
the making of matzah
My father's intent was to move our family to Palestine, and in the mid-1920s he went there to check things out. He was the first chemist to take minerals out of the Dead Sea, and it was his intent to set up a factory to do that. Unfortunately he contracted malaria and had to go back to Vienna.Workshop for making wagon wheels in the Mikve Yisrael agricultural school
When Hitler came to power and the Austrian Nazi Party gained status, my father suddenly couldn't publish anymore and saw the writing on the wall. In 1934, when we were planning our move, my mother's family said that life in Palestine was very difficult, and if we had a chance to go to the U.S. we should do it. In 1935 we moved to the U.S. Many of the Abileahs are still in Israel. [Othniel's uncle Beni Abileah was a well-known Israeli diplomat.]
The children of Nahalal (circa 1925)
In 1980, I started an organization called "Doctors To The World" which took medical personnel to various areas in the world to do volunteer work in needy areas. We sent dentists into villages in Israel to serve mostly Israeli Arabs and anyone else needing help. That was when I took out Israeli citizenship so I could get a medical license in Israel.
When I asked for formal permission to publish the photos, Dr. Seiden responded: I give you full permission to use the photos I sent you in any way you feel fit, for educational purposes, or to lend and permit to be used by other media and organizations that will use them for educational or historical purposes.Thank you Dr. Seiden. Yes, I should name it the “Seiden Collection,” but I will always consider them the “Cigarbox Pictures.”3View comments
Torah scrolls in the ark of the Istanbouli Synagogue in the Old City
of Jerusalem (circa 1930), "one of the oldest synagogues
in Jerusalem." The synagogues in the Old City were all
destroyed after the Jewish Quarter was captured in 1948.
(Library of Congress)
The Torah -- also known as the Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses -- has been the foundation of the Jewish faith for 3,000 years, the basis for the monotheistic Christian and Islamic religions, and an inspiration for spiritual, moral and ethical values.A Yemenite Jewish scribe and his
father, Shlomo Washadi (c 1935)Samaritan high priest with
his sons and Pentateuch
scroll (c 1911)
Doctors Herbert and David Torrance of the Scottish Mission hospital in Tiberias and the photographers of the American Colony
Photographic Department took several portraits of Jews and their Torah scrolls. They were also clearly fascinated by the scrolls and practice of the Samaritans, an ancient offshoot of Judaism who are not considered Jewish today.Jewish rabbi or Samaritan priest with scroll A desecrated synagogue in Hebron
with Torahs strewn on the floor (1929)
The Library of Congress archives also include pictures of the Hebron Jewish community after they were decimated in a pogrom by Arab attackers. Among the photos are pictures of a destroyed synagogue and its Torah scrolls.Enlargement of the scrolls on the floor 0Add a comment
- MAY13
In Honor of the Jewish Holiday Shavuot, We Re-post -- The Book of Ruth Comes Alive in Antique Photos Taken 100 Years Ago
"Ruth the Moabitess" Ruth said, "Do not entreat me to
leave you, to return from following
you, for wherever you go, I will go...
Your people shall be my people, your
God my God"
The reading of the Book of Ruth is one of the traditions of the holiday. Ruth, a Moabite and widow of a Jewish man (and a princess according to commentators), gave up her life in Moab to join her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi, in the Land of Israel. She insisted on adopting Naomi's God, Torah and religion.And Naomi and Ruth both went on
until they arrived at BethlehemRuth came to a field that belonged
to Boaz who was of the family of
Naomi's deceased husband
Boaz said to his servant, who stood
over the reapers, "To whom does
this maiden belong?"Boaz said to Ruth, "Do not go to
glean in another field...here you shall
stay with my maidens"Boaz said to her at mealtime, "Come
here and partake of the bread..." He
ordered his servants "Pretend to
forget some of the bundles for her."We present a few of the dozens of "Ruth" photographs found in the Library of Congress' American Colony collection.Ruth carried it to the city and Naomi
saw what she had gleanedRuth came to the threshing floor and
Boaz said, "Ready the shawl you are
wearing and hold it," and she held
it, and he measured out six measures
of barley....
See more of the pictures here.
Unfortunately, we don't know when the "Ruth and Boaz series" was photographed, but we estimate approximately 100 years ago.
Click on the pictures to enlarge, click on the caption to view the original. 0Add a comment
- MAY9
"The Zionist Message Hidden within Antique Pictures of the Holy Land" -- Published by Jewish Political Studies Review
Jerusalem's Old City The journal article by Lenny Ben-David, the publisher of Israel Daily Picture, is based on the pictures of the Library of Congress archives and the American Colony photographers.
The Jewish Political Studies Review article discusses the importance of historical photographs for the study of Jewish life in the Holy Land in the 19th and 20th centuries. The following is the introduction to the article:Harvesting at Jewish settlement
A 110-year-old trove of pictures taken by the Christian photographers of the American Colony in Jerusalem provides dramatic proof of thriving Jewish communities in Palestine. Hundreds of pictures show the ancient Jewish community of Jerusalem’s Old City and the Jewish pioneers and builders of new towns and settlements in the Galilee and along the Mediterranean coastline. The American Colony photographers recorded Jewish holy sites, holiday scenes and customs, and they had a special reason for focusing their lenses on Yemenite Jews.Yemenite Jew Students in Mikve Yisrael
agricultural school
These photographs provide a window rarely opened by historians—for several unfortunate reasons—to view the life of the Jews in the Holy Land. The photographs’ display and online publication effectively counter the biased narrative claiming that the Jewish state violently emerged ex novo in the mid-twentieth century.0Add a comment
The Temple Mt -- in St Louis, Mo. (1904, Library of Congress)
The caption reads "Walls of Jerusalem and Ferris Wheel"
Because this picture is not taken in Jerusalem, but at the St. Louis, Mo. World's Fair in the United States.
The Fair was dedicated to the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 (but was delayed until 1904).
The World's Fair attracted pavilions from all over the world and almost 20 million visitors. But, as explained inWikipedia, "the grand, neo-Classical exhibition palaces were temporary structures, designed to last but a year or two. They were built with a material called 'staff',' a mixture of plaster of Paris and hemp fibers, on a wood frame."
Author Shalom Goldman writes in his book, "God's Sacred Tongue: Hebrew & the American Imagination,"At the 1904 World's Fair, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, there was a massive model of Jerusalem's Old City. It sprawled over 10 acres of the fairgrounds and included grand models of the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. As Israeli scholar Rechav Rubin remarked: 'the most astonishing fact about the enterprise is that several hundred people, Moslems, Jews, and Christians, were brought from Jerusalem to St. Louis. There they lived and worked within the model, dressed in their colorful costumes... and had to entertain and guide the visitors through its streets and sites.'"
1View comments
- MAY7
The Train to Jerusalem -- Readers' Reactions and a Special Bonus: The First Motion Picture Made in the Holy Land
Jerusalem train station (circa 1900, Library of Congress)
1. Ehud wrote, "You might note that the first train in the Holy Land was a Jewish initiative."
Ehud, you're right. Here's an abstract of the article you recommended. Already in 1838, Jewish financier Moses Montefiore raised the idea of a train. He lobbied the British prime minister and the Ottoman grand vizier in 1856. A year later he brought a British engineer to Palestine to survey a route. After his wife died in 1864, however, Montefiore gave up his dream.
But the idea was kept alive by a Jewish businessman from Jerusalem, Joseph Navon, who in 1885 lobbied the Ottoman authorities to build the train line and secured funds to finance the construction.Enlargement from the picture above The sign today (Credit: Jerusalem
History in Pictures)
Special feature: An earlier posting of the First Motion Picture taken in the Holy Land -- Filmed from a Train in JerusalemScene from first movie Railroad Station (1900)
The Frenchmen's first footage was recorded in March 1895. In 1897, they produced the first motion picture made in the Holy Land, a 51-second film from a train leaving Jerusalem station.
Click on the picture to see the film or view an annotated version of the film which answers the question, "Who were the residents of Jerusalem when the film was made?"
[Do not adjust the sound on your computer; this is a silent movie.]
Note in the background the windmill in the Jewish neighborhood of Yemin Moshe built by Moses Montefiore in 1860.0Add a comment
Train being turned in the Jerusalem train station (circa 1900)
These pictures come from the Library of Congress' American Colony collection.
The rail system in the Holy Land was also a hodgepodge of different rail widths. The original rail to Jerusalem was 1 meter wide. Some rail lines from Cairo were standard gauge (1.435 meter); others were part of the Hejaz railroad (1.050 meter). And during Britain's campaign in Palestine against the Turks they introduced temporary narrow gauge (600 mm) rail lines from Jaffa and between Jerusalem and Ramallah.Narrow gauge line in Jaffa, built on
a wider road bed. Jews were expelled
from Jaffa by the Turks in World War I
and rails were removed for use in the
Turkish war effort. This picture, therefore,
is almost certainly taken soon after the war.Australian army engineers in two
light locomotives near Jerusalem (1918)
As the British pushed the Turks out of Palestine they rebuilt the rail lines destroyed by the Turks. In the case of the "temporary" Jerusalem-Ramallah line, they used narrow gauge rails. By 1920 they had rebuilt the Jaffa-Jerusalem line with standard gauge.
The re-dedication of the line was celebrated by the British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel who apparently drove the locomotive between Jaffa and Lod.British High Commissioner Sir
Herbert Samuel driving in the last
spike in Jaffa (1920)
Military, temporary light train between
Jerusalem and Ramallah, near the
Tomb of the Judges and view here (1918)
Samuel at the controls of the train
opening the Jaffa-Jerusalem route
(October 5, 1920)Samuel responding to the crowds lining the train route
The Library of Congress captions this picture "A crowd of
men and women" and dates it as between 1925 and 1946. It
is almost certainly Samuel's dedication, probably at Lod,
in 1920. (All pictures are from the Library of Congress)
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Monday, August 10, 2015
Isn't It Nice that Somethings Never Change in Jerusalem
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